When the answer is no!

When the answer is no.
First time author, Michael R Blakely, is a native of Nashville TN. Born to Rex and
Madelyn Blakely, he is the eldest son of five children. Michael had been married
to his late wife, Mary (who is the inspiration for this book) for over 35 years when
she became ill. Michael and Mary had two children and four grandchildren.
Michael has a Bachelor’s in Safety Engineering, which was one of his jobs when
employed at the United States Postal Service, from which he retired. Michael is
also a Veteran of the United States Army.
After the passing of his wife, Michael became involved with the GriefShare
program at this church, where he not only was a participant, but eventually, also
a facilitator.
It is the hope of Michael that anyone who professes a relationship with Christ, will
glean from this book, that tragic circumstances in life, can lead to an even
greater, deeper relationship with Him. For anyone who is on the journey and path
to a relationship with Christ, that they will find themselves encouraged to take
that final step. He hopes that anyone who is on the grief journey, will be inspired
and encouraged that God is still with them in the deep throes of grief; there is still
life after tragedy, for they should “grieve with hope and not as those who have no